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Fresh Coconut Supplier Malaysia

The coconut is considered a jewel of the tropics, as this delicious fruit has great nutritional potential. The content of the coconut can be used in many ways, either in a liquid or solid-state.

It has also become the essential base for a wide variety of beauty products, including moisturizers, shampoos, and oils. In addition, its medicinal properties have allowed it to be included in pharmaceutical products.

During more than years of service in the coconut industry in Malaysia, T&L Coconut Sdn Bhd has achieved the specialization for which we are recognized: the quality of our products is transformed into the satisfaction of our business partners. Today T&L Coconut Sdn Bhd is one of the main suppliers of coconut in Malaysia.

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Many people interested in the properties of this fruit wonder what diseases coconut prevents? Or what happens if I eat coconut every day? Here we will answer these and other questions.

The coconut is the fruit produced by the coconut palm, a tree belonging to the palm family. This tree can be found in many areas of America, especially in coastal areas. 

A single coconut contains a high level of vitamins, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, fiber, phosphorous, and other minerals, making it one of the most beneficial fruits for health. 

It should be known that it cannot be consumed every day, that is why nutrition specialists recommend moderate consumption of it.

It can be used in its different states. As a fresh fruit, its water and its soft or hard pulp can be consumed. 

Additionally, products made from milk and oil can be used. These are some of the benefits provided by this exquisite fruit or its pharmaceutical derivatives. Coconut oil is also used for food, baking, and frying food.

Coconut water helps maintain the optimal hydration level in the body; especially in hot places. It contains more electrolytes than sports drinks.

On the other hand, the consumption of the pulp of this fruit promotes the use of fat as an energy source. In this sense, Coconut Bars are a perfect energizer, especially for athletes. 

Due to its antioxidant property, the oil of this fruit is ideal for restoring softness and elasticity to the skin, especially in very dry areas of the body.

Coconut oil is less caloric than other fats. Also, this oil is not stored in the body and is quickly burned. Consuming it causes a feeling of satiety, which makes it an ideal complement to a healthy diet to lose weight.

It is ideal for the proper development of children's bones and teeth, as it contains a high content of calcium and vitamins.

Water contains fiber, which contributes to intestinal transit and prevents constipation. It is an excellent depurative, eliminates toxins.

It has many vitamins and minerals, that's why it is used for different purposes. Hereinafter we will highlight the most common uses of this fruit.

In conclusion, coconut is one of the best fruits in the world. Its great combination of nutrients has been included in different products, both for beauty and for health. Therefore, do not wait any longer to take advantage of the great benefits that it can bring!